Supporting my projects

If you like what I do and would like to support me - thank you so much!

There are several ways in which you can support me and my Netrunner-related projects.

Why Would You Support Me?

All projects, including passion-driven ones like the ones mentioned on the other pages, require time, energy, and coffee.

If you have ever created something that your shared with others, you are probably aware of that equation.

I am extremely fortunate and positioned well-enough to be able to pursue my passions for fun, but like everyone else putting effort into creating, I definitely do appreciate hearing from people who enjoy what I do and receiving support in return for the efforts that spark joy.

Non-Financial Support

Real support is not centred around putting as many subtle or on-the-nose "send me money" requests into and around my projects. My projects can grow thanks to you in a multitude of ways. Does that sound impossible? Take a look:

Financial Support

If you have money to spare and consider this the easiest and most acceptable way for you to support my projects you enjoy, there is a number of ways in which you can help me out to make better content, upgrade my hardware and software, "pay it forward" to other creative people out there I use the work and talents of, and keep the coffee stocks fresh enough:

Please show basic courtesy and contact the site owner if you want to reuse content from here on the net or offline. Most of the content here created & owned by Michał "Vesper" Dziewoński (c) 2020-2021